All Because of Jesus

by Katie Harding on February 12

In the book, A Man Called Peter, Catherine Marshall tells the story of when her husband suffered his first heart attack. A friend later asked Peter what he had learned during his time of illness, and I loved Peter’s answer. He said he learned one thing — the world would go on without him. I can relate. When I suffered major illnesses in 2004, which left me homebound for eight long months, I came to that realization as well.

But if there is anything else I’ve learned in life, it’s that the world as God intended – people living in a close relationship with their Maker – could not go on without Jesus.

As sinners, we were condemned to death, and eternal separation from God, but Jesus changed the status quo when He sacrificed His life as the punishment for sin. Because of Jesus, man is restored to a loving reunion with God. Because of Jesus, man is saved from eternal damnation because He willingly died for sin—all sin. The outcome of that action is restoration which is available to all who believe in Him—all who, in their desperation, call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

As I think about this, I am reminded of a time when our eldest granddaughter was a toddler and woke up in the middle of the night. Without any trace of light coming into her room from under the door, the room was incredibly dark. Her first instinct, once she realized she was all alone, was to call for her mother. “Mama, Mama.” Within seconds, the room was flooded with light as our daughter opened the bedroom door.

That’s how it is when we finally realize our separation from the One who loves us so. When we become aware we are living in darkness, darkness caused by the sin of our own doing, we can call out to God for help. “Papa, Papa.” Within seconds, He will answer, “I am here my child,” and His light suddenly begins to flood our lives.

What makes this all possible? Why is it that God inclines His ear, listening for our fearful voice calling out from the darkness? Because of one thing and one thing only — the death of Jesus upon the cross. It’s because of Jesus I am restored to a loving relationship with my “Papa.” It’s because of Jesus I can live with the assurance God is there even in the darkness when I can’t see Him. It’s because of Jesus I no longer have to fear because I am no longer alone. My “Papa” is there in the light, ready to welcome me into His loving arms. All I have to do is call out, and I am saved—all because of Jesus!

As we prepare for the season of Lent which begins Wednesday, February 14, let us remember Lent is a time to journey to the cross with the One who made salvation possible. It’s all because of Jesus!