Making a difference

living our faith in tangible ways

Jesus asked the lawyer, “Which of these three, do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?" He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”-Luke 10:36-37

When we ask ourselves, “Who is my neighbor?” it can change our posture. It can make us ask questions like: “Am I seeing others?” “Am I being merciful?”
Mercy is the compassionate treatment of others, regardless of their situation. There are no ulterior motives; nothing is expected in return. It’s very freeing to show kindness in this way.

Who do you know who might need a kind word, an encouraging thought, a warm meal, a bag of groceries, or a plate of cookies? Some days, even a phone call or Zoom lunch can do so much to brighten one’s life. Who are you a neighbor to?

May Challenge:

May is a month known for many events; Mother’s Day being arguably the most significant. Whether your mother is still with you or not, we all have women who have nurtured us in our lives and faith journeys. Take a few minutes to reflect on one or two women who have invested in you. What attributes of theirs do you emulate? What makes (made) them special to you? Spend time thanking God for these women along your journey and if possible, send a card or give them a call to let them know how your life is different because of them.